use crate::{
noncanonical::LAST_CANONICAL, to_meta_key, CommitSet, Error, Hash, MetaDb, StateDbError,
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use log::trace;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
pub(crate) const LAST_PRUNED: &[u8] = b"last_pruned";
const PRUNING_JOURNAL: &[u8] = b"pruning_journal";
pub struct RefWindow<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash, D: MetaDb> {
queue: DeathRowQueue<BlockHash, Key, D>,
base: u64,
enum DeathRowQueue<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash, D: MetaDb> {
Mem {
death_rows: VecDeque<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>,
death_index: HashMap<Key, u64>,
DbBacked {
db: D,
cache: VecDeque<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>,
cache_capacity: usize,
last: Option<u64>,
impl<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash, D: MetaDb> DeathRowQueue<BlockHash, Key, D> {
fn new_mem(db: &D, base: u64) -> Result<DeathRowQueue<BlockHash, Key, D>, Error<D::Error>> {
let mut block = base;
let mut queue = DeathRowQueue::<BlockHash, Key, D>::Mem {
death_rows: VecDeque::new(),
death_index: HashMap::new(),
trace!(target: "state-db", "Reading pruning journal for the memory queue. Pending #{}", base);
loop {
let journal_key = to_journal_key(block);
match db.get_meta(&journal_key).map_err(Error::Db)? {
Some(record) => {
let record: JournalRecord<BlockHash, Key> =
Decode::decode(&mut record.as_slice())?;
trace!(target: "state-db", "Pruning journal entry {} ({} inserted, {} deleted)", block, record.inserted.len(), record.deleted.len());
queue.import(base, block, record);
None => break,
block += 1;
fn new_db_backed(
db: D,
base: u64,
last: Option<u64>,
window_size: u32,
) -> Result<DeathRowQueue<BlockHash, Key, D>, Error<D::Error>> {
let cache_capacity = window_size.clamp(1, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT) as usize;
let mut cache = VecDeque::with_capacity(cache_capacity);
trace!(target: "state-db", "Reading pruning journal for the database-backed queue. Pending #{}", base);
DeathRowQueue::load_batch_from_db(&db, &mut cache, base, cache_capacity)?;
Ok(DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { db, cache, cache_capacity, last })
fn import(&mut self, base: u64, num: u64, journal_record: JournalRecord<BlockHash, Key>) {
let JournalRecord { hash, inserted, deleted } = journal_record;
trace!(target: "state-db", "Importing {}, base={}", num, base);
match self {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { cache, cache_capacity, last, .. } => {
if num == base + cache.len() as u64 && cache.len() < *cache_capacity {
trace!(target: "state-db", "Adding to DB backed cache {:?} (#{})", hash, num);
cache.push_back(DeathRow { hash, deleted: deleted.into_iter().collect() });
*last = Some(num);
DeathRowQueue::Mem { death_rows, death_index } => {
for k in inserted {
if let Some(block) = death_index.remove(&k) {
death_rows[(block - base) as usize].deleted.remove(&k);
let imported_block = base + death_rows.len() as u64;
for k in deleted.iter() {
death_index.insert(k.clone(), imported_block);
death_rows.push_back(DeathRow { hash, deleted: deleted.into_iter().collect() });
fn pop_front(
&mut self,
base: u64,
) -> Result<Option<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>, Error<D::Error>> {
match self {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { db, cache, cache_capacity, .. } => {
if cache.is_empty() {
DeathRowQueue::load_batch_from_db(db, cache, base, *cache_capacity)?;
DeathRowQueue::Mem { death_rows, death_index } => match death_rows.pop_front() {
Some(row) => {
for k in row.deleted.iter() {
None => Ok(None),
fn load_batch_from_db(
db: &D,
cache: &mut VecDeque<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>,
base: u64,
cache_capacity: usize,
) -> Result<(), Error<D::Error>> {
let start = base + cache.len() as u64;
let batch_size = cache_capacity;
for i in 0..batch_size as u64 {
match load_death_row_from_db::<BlockHash, Key, D>(db, start + i)? {
Some(row) => {
None => break,
fn have_block(&self, hash: &BlockHash, index: usize) -> HaveBlock {
match self {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { cache, .. } => {
if cache.len() > index {
(cache[index].hash == *hash).into()
} else {
DeathRowQueue::Mem { death_rows, .. } => (death_rows[index].hash == *hash).into(),
fn len(&self, base: u64) -> u64 {
match self {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { last, .. } => last.map_or(0, |l| l + 1 - base),
DeathRowQueue::Mem { death_rows, .. } => death_rows.len() as u64,
fn get_mem_queue_state(
) -> Option<(&VecDeque<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>, &HashMap<Key, u64>)> {
match self {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { .. } => None,
DeathRowQueue::Mem { death_rows, death_index } => Some((death_rows, death_index)),
fn get_db_backed_queue_state(
) -> Option<(&VecDeque<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>, Option<u64>)> {
match self {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { cache, last, .. } => Some((cache, *last)),
DeathRowQueue::Mem { .. } => None,
fn load_death_row_from_db<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash, D: MetaDb>(
db: &D,
block: u64,
) -> Result<Option<DeathRow<BlockHash, Key>>, Error<D::Error>> {
let journal_key = to_journal_key(block);
match db.get_meta(&journal_key).map_err(Error::Db)? {
Some(record) => {
let JournalRecord { hash, deleted, .. } = Decode::decode(&mut record.as_slice())?;
Ok(Some(DeathRow { hash, deleted: deleted.into_iter().collect() }))
None => Ok(None),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct DeathRow<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash> {
hash: BlockHash,
deleted: HashSet<Key>,
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default)]
struct JournalRecord<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash> {
hash: BlockHash,
inserted: Vec<Key>,
deleted: Vec<Key>,
fn to_journal_key(block: u64) -> Vec<u8> {
to_meta_key(PRUNING_JOURNAL, &block)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum HaveBlock {
impl From<bool> for HaveBlock {
fn from(have: bool) -> Self {
if have {
} else {
impl<BlockHash: Hash, Key: Hash, D: MetaDb> RefWindow<BlockHash, Key, D> {
pub fn new(
db: D,
window_size: u32,
count_insertions: bool,
) -> Result<RefWindow<BlockHash, Key, D>, Error<D::Error>> {
let base = match db.get_meta(&to_meta_key(LAST_PRUNED, &())).map_err(Error::Db)? {
Some(buffer) => u64::decode(&mut buffer.as_slice())? + 1,
None => 0,
let last_canonicalized_number =
match db.get_meta(&to_meta_key(LAST_CANONICAL, &())).map_err(Error::Db)? {
Some(buffer) => Some(<(BlockHash, u64)>::decode(&mut buffer.as_slice())?.1),
None => None,
let queue = if count_insertions {
DeathRowQueue::new_mem(&db, base)?
} else {
let last = match last_canonicalized_number {
Some(last_canonicalized_number) => {
debug_assert!(last_canonicalized_number + 1 >= base);
None => None,
DeathRowQueue::new_db_backed(db, base, last, window_size)?
Ok(RefWindow { queue, base })
pub fn window_size(&self) -> u64 {
self.queue.len(self.base) as u64
pub fn next_hash(&mut self) -> Result<Option<BlockHash>, Error<D::Error>> {
let res = match &mut self.queue {
DeathRowQueue::DbBacked { db, cache, cache_capacity, .. } => {
if cache.is_empty() {
DeathRowQueue::load_batch_from_db(db, cache, self.base, *cache_capacity)?;
cache.front().map(|r| r.hash.clone())
DeathRowQueue::Mem { death_rows, .. } => death_rows.front().map(|r| r.hash.clone()),
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.window_size() == 0
pub fn have_block(&self, hash: &BlockHash, number: u64) -> HaveBlock {
if self.is_empty() || number < self.base || number >= self.base + self.window_size() {
return HaveBlock::No
self.queue.have_block(hash, (number - self.base) as usize)
pub fn prune_one(&mut self, commit: &mut CommitSet<Key>) -> Result<(), Error<D::Error>> {
if let Some(pruned) = self.queue.pop_front(self.base)? {
trace!(target: "state-db", "Pruning {:?} ({} deleted)", pruned.hash, pruned.deleted.len());
let index = self.base;;
commit.meta.inserted.push((to_meta_key(LAST_PRUNED, &()), index.encode()));
self.base += 1;
} else {
trace!(target: "state-db", "Trying to prune when there's nothing to prune");
pub fn note_canonical(
&mut self,
hash: &BlockHash,
number: u64,
commit: &mut CommitSet<Key>,
) -> Result<(), Error<D::Error>> {
if self.base == 0 && self.is_empty() && number > 0 {
self.base = number;
} else if (self.base + self.window_size()) != number {
return Err(Error::StateDb(StateDbError::InvalidBlockNumber))
trace!(target: "state-db", "Adding to pruning window: {:?} ({} inserted, {} deleted)", hash,,;
let inserted = if matches!(self.queue, DeathRowQueue::Mem { .. }) {|(k, _)| k.clone()).collect()
} else {
let deleted = std::mem::take(&mut;
let journal_record = JournalRecord { hash: hash.clone(), inserted, deleted };
commit.meta.inserted.push((to_journal_key(number), journal_record.encode()));
self.queue.import(self.base, number, journal_record);
mod tests {
use super::{to_journal_key, DeathRowQueue, HaveBlock, JournalRecord, RefWindow, LAST_PRUNED};
use crate::{
test::{make_commit, make_db, TestDb},
to_meta_key, CommitSet, Error, Hash, StateDbError, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT,
use codec::Encode;
use sp_core::H256;
fn check_journal(pruning: &RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb>, db: &TestDb) {
let count_insertions = matches!(pruning.queue, DeathRowQueue::Mem { .. });
let restored: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, count_insertions).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.base, restored.base);
assert_eq!(pruning.queue.get_mem_queue_state(), restored.queue.get_mem_queue_state());
fn created_from_empty_db() {
let db = make_db(&[]);
let pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 0);
let (death_rows, death_index) = pruning.queue.get_mem_queue_state().unwrap();
fn prune_empty() {
let db = make_db(&[]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit)
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 0);
let (death_rows, death_index) = pruning.queue.get_mem_queue_state().unwrap();
fn prune_one() {
let mut db = make_db(&[1, 2, 3]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[4, 5], &[1, 3]);
let hash = H256::random();
pruning.note_canonical(&hash, 0, &mut commit).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.have_block(&hash, 0), HaveBlock::Yes);
assert_eq!(pruning.have_block(&hash, 0), HaveBlock::Yes);
let (death_rows, death_index) = pruning.queue.get_mem_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(death_rows.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(death_index.len(), 2);
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])));
check_journal(&pruning, &db);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.have_block(&hash, 0), HaveBlock::No);
assert_eq!(pruning.have_block(&hash, 0), HaveBlock::No);
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[2, 4, 5])));
let (death_rows, death_index) = pruning.queue.get_mem_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 1);
fn prune_two() {
let mut db = make_db(&[1, 2, 3]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[4], &[1]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 0, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[5], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 1, &mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])));
check_journal(&pruning, &db);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[2, 3, 4, 5])));
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[3, 4, 5])));
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 2);
fn prune_two_pending() {
let mut db = make_db(&[1, 2, 3]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[4], &[1]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 0, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[5], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 1, &mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])));
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[2, 3, 4, 5])));
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[3, 4, 5])));
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 2);
fn reinserted_survives() {
let mut db = make_db(&[1, 2, 3]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 0, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[2], &[]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 1, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 2, &mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
check_journal(&pruning, &db);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 3])));
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 3);
fn reinserted_survive_pending() {
let mut db = make_db(&[1, 2, 3]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, true).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 0, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[2], &[]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 1, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 2, &mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 3])));
assert_eq!(pruning.base, 3);
fn reinserted_ignores() {
let mut db = make_db(&[1, 2, 3]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<H256, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 0, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[2], &[]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 1, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[2]);
pruning.note_canonical(&H256::random(), 2, &mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 2, 3])));
check_journal(&pruning, &db);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert!(db.data_eq(&make_db(&[1, 3])));
fn push_last_canonicalized<H: Hash>(block: u64, commit: &mut CommitSet<H>) {
.push((to_meta_key(LAST_CANONICAL, &()), (block, block).encode()));
fn push_last_pruned<H: Hash>(block: u64, commit: &mut CommitSet<H>) {
commit.meta.inserted.push((to_meta_key(LAST_PRUNED, &()), block.encode()));
fn init_db_backed_queue() {
let mut db = make_db(&[]);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
fn load_pruning_from_db(db: TestDb) -> (usize, u64) {
let pruning: RefWindow<u64, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
(cache.len(), pruning.base)
fn push_record(block: u64, commit: &mut CommitSet<H256>) {
.push((to_journal_key(block), JournalRecord::<u64, H256>::default().encode()));
let (loaded_blocks, base) = load_pruning_from_db(db.clone());
assert_eq!(loaded_blocks, 0);
assert_eq!(base, 0);
push_last_canonicalized(0, &mut commit);
push_record(0, &mut commit);
let (loaded_blocks, base) = load_pruning_from_db(db.clone());
assert_eq!(loaded_blocks, 1);
assert_eq!(base, 0);
push_last_pruned(0, &mut commit);
let (loaded_blocks, base) = load_pruning_from_db(db.clone());
assert_eq!(loaded_blocks, 0);
assert_eq!(base, 1);
push_last_canonicalized(10, &mut commit);
for i in 1..=10 {
push_record(i, &mut commit);
let (loaded_blocks, base) = load_pruning_from_db(db.clone());
assert_eq!(loaded_blocks, 10);
assert_eq!(base, 1);
push_last_pruned(10, &mut commit);
let (loaded_blocks, base) = load_pruning_from_db(db.clone());
assert_eq!(loaded_blocks, 0);
assert_eq!(base, 11);
fn db_backed_queue() {
let mut db = make_db(&[]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<u64, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
let cache_capacity = DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT as usize;
let (cache, last) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), 0);
assert_eq!(last, None);
for i in 0..(cache_capacity + 10) {
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[]);
pruning.note_canonical(&(i as u64), i as u64, &mut commit).unwrap();
push_last_canonicalized(i as u64, &mut commit);
let (cache, last) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
if i < cache_capacity {
assert_eq!(cache.len(), i + 1);
} else {
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity);
assert_eq!(last, Some(i as u64));
assert_eq!(pruning.window_size(), cache_capacity as u64 + 10);
let (cache, last) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity);
assert_eq!(last, Some(cache_capacity as u64 + 10 - 1));
for i in 0..cache_capacity {
assert_eq!(cache[i].hash, i as u64);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
.note_canonical(&(cache_capacity as u64 + 10), cache_capacity as u64 + 10, &mut commit)
assert_eq!(pruning.window_size(), cache_capacity as u64 + 11);
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity);
pruning = RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
let cache_capacity = DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT as usize;
assert_eq!(pruning.window_size(), cache_capacity as u64 + 10);
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity);
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.window_size(), cache_capacity as u64 + 9);
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity - 1);
for i in 0..(cache_capacity - 1) {
assert_eq!(cache[i].hash, (i + 1) as u64);
let pruning: RefWindow<u64, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.window_size(), cache_capacity as u64 + 9);
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity);
for i in 0..cache_capacity {
assert_eq!(cache[i].hash, (i + 1) as u64);
fn load_block_from_db() {
let mut db = make_db(&[]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<u64, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
let cache_capacity = DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT as usize;
for i in 0..(cache_capacity as u64 * 2 + 10) {
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[]);
pruning.note_canonical(&i, i, &mut commit).unwrap();
push_last_canonicalized(i as u64, &mut commit);
assert_eq!(pruning.next_hash().unwrap().unwrap(), 0);
let (cache, last) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), cache_capacity);
assert_eq!(last, Some(cache_capacity as u64 * 2 + 10 - 1));
for _ in 0..cache_capacity * 2 {
let mut commit = CommitSet::default();
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.next_hash().unwrap().unwrap(), (cache_capacity * 2) as u64);
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), 10);
let pruning: RefWindow<u64, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.window_size(), 10);
let (cache, _) = pruning.queue.get_db_backed_queue_state().unwrap();
assert_eq!(cache.len(), 10);
for i in 0..10 {
assert_eq!(cache[i].hash, (cache_capacity * 2 + i) as u64);
fn get_block_from_queue() {
let mut db = make_db(&[]);
let mut pruning: RefWindow<u64, H256, TestDb> =
RefWindow::new(db.clone(), DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT, false).unwrap();
let cache_capacity = DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_CONSTRAINT as u64;
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[]);
for i in 0..(cache_capacity + 10) {
pruning.note_canonical(&i, i, &mut commit).unwrap();
let mut pending_commit = make_commit(&[], &[]);
let index = cache_capacity + 10;
pruning.note_canonical(&index, index, &mut pending_commit).unwrap();
let mut commit = make_commit(&[], &[]);
for i in 0..(cache_capacity + 10) {
assert_eq!(pruning.next_hash().unwrap(), Some(i));
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pruning.next_hash().unwrap(), None);
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap_err(),
assert_eq!(pruning.next_hash().unwrap(), Some(index));
pruning.prune_one(&mut commit).unwrap();