use crate::construct_runtime::Pallet;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use std::str::FromStr;
use syn::Ident;
pub fn expand_outer_dispatch(
runtime: &Ident,
system_pallet: &Pallet,
pallet_decls: &[Pallet],
scrate: &TokenStream,
) -> TokenStream {
let mut variant_defs = TokenStream::new();
let mut variant_patterns = Vec::new();
let mut query_call_part_macros = Vec::new();
let mut pallet_names = Vec::new();
let mut pallet_attrs = Vec::new();
let system_path = &system_pallet.path;
let pallets_with_call = pallet_decls.iter().filter(|decl| decl.exists_part("Call"));
for pallet_declaration in pallets_with_call {
let name = &;
let path = &pallet_declaration.path;
let index = pallet_declaration.index;
let attr =
pallet_declaration.cfg_pattern.iter().fold(TokenStream::new(), |acc, pattern| {
let attr = TokenStream::from_str(&format!("#[cfg({})]", pattern.original()))
.expect("was successfully parsed before; qed");
quote! {
variant_defs.extend(quote! {
#[codec(index = #index)]
#name( #scrate::dispatch::CallableCallFor<#name, #runtime> ),
query_call_part_macros.push(quote! {
quote! {
#( #query_call_part_macros )*
Clone, PartialEq, Eq,
pub enum RuntimeCall {
impl RuntimeCall {
pub const fn sizes() -> &'static [( &'static str, usize )] {
use #scrate::dispatch::Callable;
use core::mem::size_of;
size_of::< <#pallet_names as Callable<#runtime>>::RuntimeCall >(),
pub fn assert_size_under(limit: usize) {
let size = core::mem::size_of::<Self>();
let call_oversize = size > limit;
if call_oversize {
println!("Size of `Call` is {} bytes (provided limit is {} bytes)", size, limit);
let mut sizes = Self::sizes().to_vec();
sizes.sort_by_key(|x| -(x.1 as isize));
for (i, &(name, size)) in sizes.iter().enumerate().take(5) {
println!("Offender #{}: {} at {} bytes", i + 1, name, size);
if let Some((_, next_size)) = sizes.get(5) {
println!("{} others of size {} bytes or less", sizes.len() - 5, next_size);
"Size of `Call` is more than limit; use `Box` on complex parameter types to reduce the
size of `Call`.
If the limit is too strong, maybe consider providing a higher limit."
impl #scrate::dispatch::GetDispatchInfo for RuntimeCall {
fn get_dispatch_info(&self) -> #scrate::dispatch::DispatchInfo {
match self {
#variant_patterns => call.get_dispatch_info(),
impl #scrate::weights::GetDispatchInfo for RuntimeCall {}
impl #scrate::dispatch::GetCallMetadata for RuntimeCall {
fn get_call_metadata(&self) -> #scrate::dispatch::CallMetadata {
use #scrate::dispatch::GetCallName;
match self {
#variant_patterns => {
let function_name = call.get_call_name();
let pallet_name = stringify!(#pallet_names);
#scrate::dispatch::CallMetadata { function_name, pallet_name }
fn get_module_names() -> &'static [&'static str] {
fn get_call_names(module: &str) -> &'static [&'static str] {
use #scrate::dispatch::{Callable, GetCallName};
match module {
stringify!(#pallet_names) =>
<<#pallet_names as Callable<#runtime>>::RuntimeCall
as GetCallName>::get_call_names(),
_ => unreachable!(),
impl #scrate::dispatch::Dispatchable for RuntimeCall {
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
type Config = RuntimeCall;
type Info = #scrate::dispatch::DispatchInfo;
type PostInfo = #scrate::dispatch::PostDispatchInfo;
fn dispatch(self, origin: RuntimeOrigin) -> #scrate::dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
if !<Self::RuntimeOrigin as #scrate::traits::OriginTrait>::filter_call(&origin, &self) {
return #scrate::sp_std::result::Result::Err(
#scrate::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable::dispatch_bypass_filter(self, origin)
impl #scrate::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable for RuntimeCall {
type RuntimeOrigin = RuntimeOrigin;
fn dispatch_bypass_filter(self, origin: RuntimeOrigin) -> #scrate::dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
match self {
#variant_patterns =>
#scrate::traits::UnfilteredDispatchable::dispatch_bypass_filter(call, origin),
impl #scrate::traits::IsSubType<#scrate::dispatch::CallableCallFor<#pallet_names, #runtime>> for RuntimeCall {
fn is_sub_type(&self) -> Option<&#scrate::dispatch::CallableCallFor<#pallet_names, #runtime>> {
match self {
#variant_patterns => Some(call),
_ => None,
impl From<#scrate::dispatch::CallableCallFor<#pallet_names, #runtime>> for RuntimeCall {
fn from(call: #scrate::dispatch::CallableCallFor<#pallet_names, #runtime>) -> Self {