use sc_cli::{CliConfiguration, DatabaseParams, PruningParams, Result, SharedParams};
use sc_client_api::{Backend as ClientBackend, StorageProvider, UsageProvider};
use sc_client_db::DbHash;
use sc_service::Configuration;
use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
use sp_core::storage::StorageKey;
use sp_database::{ColumnId, Database};
use sp_runtime::traits::{Block as BlockT, HashFor};
use sp_state_machine::Storage;
use sp_storage::{ChildInfo, ChildType, PrefixedStorageKey, StateVersion};
use clap::{Args, Parser};
use log::info;
use rand::prelude::*;
use serde::Serialize;
use sp_runtime::generic::BlockId;
use std::{fmt::Debug, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
use super::template::TemplateData;
use crate::shared::{new_rng, HostInfoParams, WeightParams};
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
pub struct StorageCmd {
pub shared_params: SharedParams,
pub database_params: DatabaseParams,
pub pruning_params: PruningParams,
pub params: StorageParams,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Args)]
pub struct StorageParams {
pub weight_params: WeightParams,
pub hostinfo: HostInfoParams,
pub skip_read: bool,
pub skip_write: bool,
pub template_path: Option<PathBuf>,
#[arg(long, value_name = "PATH")]
pub header: Option<PathBuf>,
pub json_read_path: Option<PathBuf>,
pub json_write_path: Option<PathBuf>,
#[arg(long, default_value_t = 1)]
pub warmups: u32,
#[arg(long, value_parser = clap::value_parser!(u8).range(0..=1))]
pub state_version: u8,
#[arg(long, value_name = "Bytes", default_value_t = 67108864)]
pub trie_cache_size: usize,
pub enable_trie_cache: bool,
pub include_child_trees: bool,
impl StorageCmd {
pub fn run<Block, BA, C>(
cfg: Configuration,
client: Arc<C>,
db: (Arc<dyn Database<DbHash>>, ColumnId),
storage: Arc<dyn Storage<HashFor<Block>>>,
) -> Result<()>
BA: ClientBackend<Block>,
Block: BlockT<Hash = DbHash>,
C: UsageProvider<Block> + StorageProvider<Block, BA> + HeaderBackend<Block>,
let mut template = TemplateData::new(&cfg, &self.params)?;
let block_id = BlockId::<Block>::Number(client.usage_info().chain.best_number);
if !self.params.skip_read {
let record = self.bench_read(client.clone())?;
if let Some(path) = &self.params.json_read_path {
record.save_json(&cfg, path, "read")?;
let stats = record.calculate_stats()?;
info!("Time summary [ns]:\n{:?}\nValue size summary:\n{:?}", stats.0, stats.1);
template.set_stats(Some(stats), None)?;
if !self.params.skip_write {
let record = self.bench_write(client, db, storage)?;
if let Some(path) = &self.params.json_write_path {
record.save_json(&cfg, path, "write")?;
let stats = record.calculate_stats()?;
info!("Time summary [ns]:\n{:?}\nValue size summary:\n{:?}", stats.0, stats.1);
template.set_stats(None, Some(stats))?;
template.write(&self.params.weight_params.weight_path, &self.params.template_path)
pub(crate) fn state_version(&self) -> StateVersion {
match self.params.state_version {
0 => StateVersion::V0,
1 => StateVersion::V1,
_ => unreachable!("Clap set to only allow 0 and 1"),
pub(crate) fn is_child_key(&self, key: Vec<u8>) -> Option<ChildInfo> {
if let Some((ChildType::ParentKeyId, storage_key)) =
return Some(ChildInfo::new_default(storage_key))
fn bench_warmup<B, BA, C>(&self, client: &Arc<C>) -> Result<()>
C: UsageProvider<B> + StorageProvider<B, BA>,
B: BlockT + Debug,
BA: ClientBackend<B>,
let hash = client.usage_info().chain.best_hash;
let empty_prefix = StorageKey(Vec::new());
let mut keys = client.storage_keys(hash, &empty_prefix)?;
let (mut rng, _) = new_rng(None);
keys.shuffle(&mut rng);
for i in 0..self.params.warmups {
info!("Warmup round {}/{}", i + 1, self.params.warmups);
for key in keys.as_slice() {
let _ = client
.storage(hash, &key)
.expect("Checked above to exist")
.ok_or("Value unexpectedly empty");
impl CliConfiguration for StorageCmd {
fn shared_params(&self) -> &SharedParams {
fn database_params(&self) -> Option<&DatabaseParams> {
fn pruning_params(&self) -> Option<&PruningParams> {
fn trie_cache_maximum_size(&self) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
if self.params.enable_trie_cache && self.params.trie_cache_size > 0 {
} else {