use sc_executor_common::{
wasm_runtime::{InvokeMethod, WasmModule as _},
use sc_executor_wasmtime::{Config, DeterministicStackLimit, Semantics};
use sp_core::storage::{ChildInfo, TrackedStorageKey};
use sp_externalities::MultiRemovalResults;
use std::{
any::{Any, TypeId},
const EXTRA_HEAP_PAGES: u64 = 2048;
const NATIVE_STACK_MAX: u32 = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
const CONFIG: Config = Config {
allow_missing_func_imports: true,
cache_path: None,
semantics: Semantics {
extra_heap_pages: EXTRA_HEAP_PAGES,
max_memory_size: Some(((DEFAULT_HEAP_PAGES_ESTIMATE + EXTRA_HEAP_PAGES) * 65536) as usize),
deterministic_stack_limit: Some(DeterministicStackLimit {
logical_max: 65536,
native_stack_max: NATIVE_STACK_MAX,
canonicalize_nans: true,
parallel_compilation: false,
pub fn prevalidate(code: &[u8]) -> Result<RuntimeBlob, sc_executor_common::error::WasmError> {
let blob = RuntimeBlob::new(code)?;
pub fn prepare(blob: RuntimeBlob) -> Result<Vec<u8>, sc_executor_common::error::WasmError> {
sc_executor_wasmtime::prepare_runtime_artifact(blob, &CONFIG.semantics)
pub struct Executor {
thread_pool: rayon::ThreadPool,
spawner: TaskSpawner,
impl Executor {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, String> {
let thread_stack_size = 2 * 1024 * 1024 + NATIVE_STACK_MAX as usize;
let thread_pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new()
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to create thread pool: {:?}", e))?;
let spawner =
TaskSpawner::new().map_err(|e| format!("cannot create task spawner: {}", e))?;
Ok(Self { thread_pool, spawner })
pub unsafe fn execute(
compiled_artifact_path: &Path,
params: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
let spawner = self.spawner.clone();
let mut result = None;
let result = &mut result;
move |s| {
s.spawn(move |_| {
*result = Some(
do_execute(compiled_artifact_path, params, spawner)
.map_err(|err| format!("execute error: {:?}", err)),
result.unwrap_or_else(|| Err("rayon thread pool spawn failed".to_string()))
unsafe fn do_execute(
compiled_artifact_path: &Path,
params: &[u8],
spawner: impl sp_core::traits::SpawnNamed + 'static,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, sc_executor_common::error::Error> {
let mut extensions = sp_externalities::Extensions::new();
let mut ext = ValidationExternalities(extensions);
sc_executor::with_externalities_safe(&mut ext, || {
let runtime = sc_executor_wasmtime::create_runtime_from_artifact::<HostFunctions>(
runtime.new_instance()?.call(InvokeMethod::Export("validate_block"), params)
type HostFunctions = (
struct ValidationExternalities(sp_externalities::Extensions);
impl sp_externalities::Externalities for ValidationExternalities {
fn storage(&self, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_hash(&self, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("storage_hash: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn child_storage_hash(&self, _: &ChildInfo, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("child_storage_hash: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn child_storage(&self, _: &ChildInfo, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("child_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn kill_child_storage(
&mut self,
_child_info: &ChildInfo,
_maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
_maybe_cursor: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> MultiRemovalResults {
panic!("kill_child_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn clear_prefix(
&mut self,
_prefix: &[u8],
_maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
_maybe_cursor: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> MultiRemovalResults {
panic!("clear_prefix: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn clear_child_prefix(
&mut self,
_child_info: &ChildInfo,
_prefix: &[u8],
_maybe_limit: Option<u32>,
_maybe_cursor: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> MultiRemovalResults {
panic!("clear_child_prefix: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn place_storage(&mut self, _: Vec<u8>, _: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
panic!("place_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn place_child_storage(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: Vec<u8>, _: Option<Vec<u8>>) {
panic!("place_child_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_root(&mut self, _: sp_core::storage::StateVersion) -> Vec<u8> {
panic!("storage_root: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn child_storage_root(&mut self, _: &ChildInfo, _: sp_core::storage::StateVersion) -> Vec<u8> {
panic!("child_storage_root: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn next_child_storage_key(&self, _: &ChildInfo, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("next_child_storage_key: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn next_storage_key(&self, _: &[u8]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
panic!("next_storage_key: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_append(&mut self, _key: Vec<u8>, _value: Vec<u8>) {
panic!("storage_append: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_start_transaction(&mut self) {
panic!("storage_start_transaction: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_rollback_transaction(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
panic!("storage_rollback_transaction: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn storage_commit_transaction(&mut self) -> Result<(), ()> {
panic!("storage_commit_transaction: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn wipe(&mut self) {
panic!("wipe: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn commit(&mut self) {
panic!("commit: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn read_write_count(&self) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) {
panic!("read_write_count: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn reset_read_write_count(&mut self) {
panic!("reset_read_write_count: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn get_whitelist(&self) -> Vec<TrackedStorageKey> {
panic!("get_whitelist: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn set_whitelist(&mut self, _: Vec<TrackedStorageKey>) {
panic!("set_whitelist: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn set_offchain_storage(&mut self, _: &[u8], _: std::option::Option<&[u8]>) {
panic!("set_offchain_storage: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
fn get_read_and_written_keys(&self) -> Vec<(Vec<u8>, u32, u32, bool)> {
panic!("get_read_and_written_keys: unsupported feature for parachain validation")
impl sp_externalities::ExtensionStore for ValidationExternalities {
fn extension_by_type_id(&mut self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<&mut dyn Any> {
fn register_extension_with_type_id(
&mut self,
type_id: TypeId,
extension: Box<dyn sp_externalities::Extension>,
) -> Result<(), sp_externalities::Error> {
self.0.register_with_type_id(type_id, extension)
fn deregister_extension_by_type_id(
&mut self,
type_id: TypeId,
) -> Result<(), sp_externalities::Error> {
if self.0.deregister(type_id) {
} else {
pub(crate) struct TaskSpawner(futures::executor::ThreadPool);
impl TaskSpawner {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Result<Self, String> {
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
impl sp_core::traits::SpawnNamed for TaskSpawner {
fn spawn_blocking(
_task_name: &'static str,
_subsystem_name: Option<&'static str>,
future: futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, ()>,
) {
fn spawn(
_task_name: &'static str,
_subsystem_name: Option<&'static str>,
future: futures::future::BoxFuture<'static, ()>,
) {
struct ReadRuntimeVersion;
impl sp_core::traits::ReadRuntimeVersion for ReadRuntimeVersion {
fn read_runtime_version(
wasm_code: &[u8],
_ext: &mut dyn sp_externalities::Externalities,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
let blob = RuntimeBlob::uncompress_if_needed(wasm_code)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read the PVF runtime blob: {:?}", e))?;
match sc_executor::read_embedded_version(&blob)
.map_err(|e| format!("Failed to read the static section from the PVF blob: {:?}", e))?
Some(version) => {
use parity_scale_codec::Encode;
None => Err("runtime version section is not found".to_string()),