mod expand;
mod parse;
use cfg_expr::Predicate;
use frame_support_procedural_tools::{
generate_crate_access, generate_crate_access_2018, generate_hidden_includes,
use itertools::Itertools;
use parse::{
ExplicitRuntimeDeclaration, ImplicitRuntimeDeclaration, Pallet, RuntimeDeclaration,
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use std::{collections::HashSet, str::FromStr};
use syn::{Ident, Result};
const SYSTEM_PALLET_NAME: &str = "System";
pub fn construct_runtime(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input_copy = input.clone();
let definition = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as RuntimeDeclaration);
let res = match definition {
RuntimeDeclaration::Implicit(implicit_def) =>
construct_runtime_intermediary_expansion(input_copy.into(), implicit_def),
RuntimeDeclaration::Explicit(explicit_decl) =>
res.unwrap_or_else(|e| e.to_compile_error()).into()
fn construct_runtime_intermediary_expansion(
input: TokenStream2,
definition: ImplicitRuntimeDeclaration,
) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
let frame_support = generate_crate_access_2018("frame-support")?;
let mut expansion = quote::quote!(
#frame_support::construct_runtime! { #input }
for pallet in definition.pallets.iter().filter(|pallet| pallet.pallet_parts.is_none()) {
let pallet_path = &pallet.path;
let pallet_name = &;
let pallet_instance = pallet.instance.as_ref().map(|instance| quote::quote!(::<#instance>));
expansion = quote::quote!(
#frame_support::tt_call! {
macro = [{ #pallet_path::tt_default_parts }]
frame_support = [{ #frame_support }]
~~> #frame_support::match_and_insert! {
target = [{ #expansion }]
pattern = [{ #pallet_name: #pallet_path #pallet_instance }]
fn construct_runtime_final_expansion(
definition: ExplicitRuntimeDeclaration,
) -> Result<TokenStream2> {
let ExplicitRuntimeDeclaration {
where_section: WhereSection { block, node_block, unchecked_extrinsic },
} = definition;
let system_pallet =
pallets.iter().find(|decl| == SYSTEM_PALLET_NAME).ok_or_else(|| {
"`System` pallet declaration is missing. \
Please add this line: `System: frame_system::{Pallet, Call, Storage, Config, Event<T>},`",
if !system_pallet.cfg_pattern.is_empty() {
return Err(syn::Error::new(,
"`System` pallet declaration is feature gated, please remove any `#[cfg]` attributes",
let features = pallets
.filter_map(|decl| {
(!decl.cfg_pattern.is_empty()).then(|| {
decl.cfg_pattern.iter().flat_map(|attr| {
attr.predicates().filter_map(|pred| match pred {
Predicate::Feature(feat) => Some(feat),
Predicate::Test => Some("test"),
_ => None,
let hidden_crate_name = "construct_runtime";
let scrate = generate_crate_access(hidden_crate_name, "frame-support");
let scrate_decl = generate_hidden_includes(hidden_crate_name, "frame-support");
let outer_event = expand::expand_outer_event(&name, &pallets, &scrate)?;
let outer_origin = expand::expand_outer_origin(&name, system_pallet, &pallets, &scrate)?;
let all_pallets = decl_all_pallets(&name, pallets.iter(), &features);
let pallet_to_index = decl_pallet_runtime_setup(&name, &pallets, &scrate);
let dispatch = expand::expand_outer_dispatch(&name, system_pallet, &pallets, &scrate);
let metadata = expand::expand_runtime_metadata(&name, &pallets, &scrate, &unchecked_extrinsic);
let outer_config = expand::expand_outer_config(&name, &pallets, &scrate);
let inherent =
expand::expand_outer_inherent(&name, &block, &unchecked_extrinsic, &pallets, &scrate);
let validate_unsigned = expand::expand_outer_validate_unsigned(&name, &pallets, &scrate);
let integrity_test = decl_integrity_test(&scrate);
let static_assertions = decl_static_assertions(&name, &pallets, &scrate);
let res = quote!(
const _: () = {
type __hidden_use_of_unchecked_extrinsic = #unchecked_extrinsic;
Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, #scrate::sp_runtime::RuntimeDebug,
pub struct #name;
impl #scrate::sp_runtime::traits::GetNodeBlockType for #name {
type NodeBlock = #node_block;
impl #scrate::sp_runtime::traits::GetRuntimeBlockType for #name {
type RuntimeBlock = #block;
fn decl_all_pallets<'a>(
runtime: &'a Ident,
pallet_declarations: impl Iterator<Item = &'a Pallet>,
features: &HashSet<&str>,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let mut types = TokenStream2::new();
let mut features_to_names = features
.map(|f| *f)
.map(|feat| (HashSet::from_iter(feat), Vec::new()))
.collect::<Vec<(HashSet<_>, Vec<_>)>>();
for pallet_declaration in pallet_declarations {
let type_name = &;
let pallet = &pallet_declaration.path;
let mut generics = vec![quote!(#runtime)];
generics.extend(pallet_declaration.instance.iter().map(|name| quote!(#pallet::#name)));
let mut attrs = Vec::new();
for cfg in &pallet_declaration.cfg_pattern {
let feat = format!("#[cfg({})]\n", cfg.original());
attrs.extend(TokenStream2::from_str(&feat).expect("was parsed successfully; qed"));
let type_decl = quote!(
pub type #type_name = #pallet::Pallet <#(#generics),*>;
if pallet_declaration.cfg_pattern.is_empty() {
for (_, names) in features_to_names.iter_mut() {
} else {
for (feature_set, names) in &mut features_to_names {
let is_feature_active = pallet_declaration.cfg_pattern.iter().all(|expr| {
expr.eval(|pred| match pred {
Predicate::Feature(f) => feature_set.contains(f),
Predicate::Test => feature_set.contains(&"test"),
_ => false,
if is_feature_active {
let mut all_features = features_to_names
.flat_map(|f| f.0.iter().cloned())
let attribute_to_names = features_to_names
.map(|(mut features, names)| {
if features.is_empty() {
let test_cfg = all_features.remove("test").then_some(quote!(test)).into_iter();
let features = all_features.iter();
let attr = quote!(#[cfg(all( #(not(#test_cfg)),* #(not(feature = #features)),* ))]);
(attr, names)
} else {
let test_cfg = features.remove("test").then_some(quote!(test)).into_iter();
let disabled_features = all_features.difference(&features);
let features = features.iter();
let attr = quote!(#[cfg(all( #(#test_cfg,)* #(feature = #features,)* #(not(feature = #disabled_features)),* ))]);
(attr, names)
let all_pallets_without_system = attribute_to_names.iter().map(|(attr, names)| {
let names = names.iter().filter(|n| **n != SYSTEM_PALLET_NAME);
quote! {
pub type AllPalletsWithoutSystem = ( #(#names,)* );
let all_pallets_with_system = attribute_to_names.iter().map(|(attr, names)| {
quote! {
pub type AllPalletsWithSystem = ( #(#names,)* );
let all_pallets_without_system_reversed = attribute_to_names.iter().map(|(attr, names)| {
let names = names.iter().filter(|n| **n != SYSTEM_PALLET_NAME).rev();
quote! {
#[deprecated(note = "Using reverse pallet orders is deprecated. use only \
`AllPalletsWithSystem or AllPalletsWithoutSystem`")]
pub type AllPalletsWithoutSystemReversed = ( #(#names,)* );
let all_pallets_with_system_reversed = attribute_to_names.iter().map(|(attr, names)| {
let names = names.iter().rev();
quote! {
#[deprecated(note = "Using reverse pallet orders is deprecated. use only \
`AllPalletsWithSystem or AllPalletsWithoutSystem`")]
pub type AllPalletsWithSystemReversed = ( #(#names,)* );
let all_pallets_reversed_with_system_first = attribute_to_names.iter().map(|(attr, names)| {
let system = quote::format_ident!("{}", SYSTEM_PALLET_NAME);
let names = std::iter::once(&system)
.chain(names.iter().rev().filter(|n| **n != SYSTEM_PALLET_NAME).cloned());
quote! {
#[deprecated(note = "Using reverse pallet orders is deprecated. use only \
`AllPalletsWithSystem or AllPalletsWithoutSystem`")]
pub type AllPalletsReversedWithSystemFirst = ( #(#names,)* );
#[deprecated(note = "The type definition has changed from representing all pallets \
excluding system, in reversed order to become the representation of all pallets \
including system pallet in regular order. For this reason it is encouraged to use \
explicitly one of `AllPalletsWithSystem`, `AllPalletsWithoutSystem`, \
`AllPalletsWithSystemReversed`, `AllPalletsWithoutSystemReversed`. \
Note that the type `frame_executive::Executive` expects one of `AllPalletsWithSystem` \
, `AllPalletsWithSystemReversed`, `AllPalletsReversedWithSystemFirst`. More details in \")]
pub type AllPallets = AllPalletsWithSystem;
#( #all_pallets_with_system )*
#( #all_pallets_without_system )*
#( #all_pallets_with_system_reversed )*
#( #all_pallets_without_system_reversed )*
#( #all_pallets_reversed_with_system_first )*
fn decl_pallet_runtime_setup(
runtime: &Ident,
pallet_declarations: &[Pallet],
scrate: &TokenStream2,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let names = pallet_declarations.iter().map(|d| &<Vec<_>>();
let name_strings = pallet_declarations.iter().map(|d|;
let module_names = pallet_declarations.iter().map(|d| d.path.module_name());
let indices = pallet_declarations.iter().map(|pallet| pallet.index as usize);
let pallet_structs = pallet_declarations
.map(|pallet| {
let path = &pallet.path;
match pallet.instance.as_ref() {
Some(inst) => quote!(#path::Pallet<#runtime, #path::#inst>),
None => quote!(#path::Pallet<#runtime>),
let pallet_attrs = pallet_declarations
.map(|pallet| {
pallet.cfg_pattern.iter().fold(TokenStream2::new(), |acc, pattern| {
let attr = TokenStream2::from_str(&format!("#[cfg({})]", pattern.original()))
.expect("was successfully parsed before; qed");
quote! {
pub struct PalletInfo;
impl #scrate::traits::PalletInfo for PalletInfo {
fn index<P: 'static>() -> Option<usize> {
let type_id = #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
if type_id == #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<#names>() {
return Some(#indices)
fn name<P: 'static>() -> Option<&'static str> {
let type_id = #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
if type_id == #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<#names>() {
return Some(#name_strings)
fn module_name<P: 'static>() -> Option<&'static str> {
let type_id = #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
if type_id == #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<#names>() {
return Some(#module_names)
fn crate_version<P: 'static>() -> Option<#scrate::traits::CrateVersion> {
let type_id = #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<P>();
if type_id == #scrate::sp_std::any::TypeId::of::<#names>() {
return Some(
<#pallet_structs as #scrate::traits::PalletInfoAccess>::crate_version()
fn decl_integrity_test(scrate: &TokenStream2) -> TokenStream2 {
mod __construct_runtime_integrity_test {
use super::*;
pub fn runtime_integrity_tests() {
<AllPalletsWithSystem as #scrate::traits::IntegrityTest>::integrity_test();
fn decl_static_assertions(
runtime: &Ident,
pallet_decls: &[Pallet],
scrate: &TokenStream2,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let error_encoded_size_check = pallet_decls.iter().map(|decl| {
let path = &decl.path;
let assert_message = format!(
"The maximum encoded size of the error type in the `{}` pallet exceeds \
quote! {
#scrate::tt_call! {
macro = [{ #path::tt_error_token }]
frame_support = [{ #scrate }]
~~> #scrate::assert_error_encoded_size! {
path = [{ #path }]
runtime = [{ #runtime }]
assert_message = [{ #assert_message }]
quote! {