pub trait Config: Config + SendTransactionTypes<Call<Self>> {
Show 29 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent> + TryInto<Event<Self>>; type Currency: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + Currency<Self::AccountId>; type EstimateCallFee: EstimateCallFee<Call<Self>, BalanceOf<Self>>; type UnsignedPhase: Get<Self::BlockNumber>; type SignedPhase: Get<Self::BlockNumber>; type BetterSignedThreshold: Get<Perbill>; type BetterUnsignedThreshold: Get<Perbill>; type OffchainRepeat: Get<Self::BlockNumber>; type MinerTxPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>; type MinerConfig: MinerConfig<AccountId = Self::AccountId, MaxVotesPerVoter = <Self::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter>; type SignedMaxSubmissions: Get<u32>; type SignedMaxWeight: Get<Weight>; type SignedMaxRefunds: Get<u32>; type SignedRewardBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>; type SignedDepositBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>; type SignedDepositByte: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>; type SignedDepositWeight: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>; type MaxElectingVoters: Get<SolutionVoterIndexOf<Self::MinerConfig>>; type MaxElectableTargets: Get<SolutionTargetIndexOf<Self::MinerConfig>>; type MaxWinners: Get<u32>; type SlashHandler: OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalanceOf<Self>>; type RewardHandler: OnUnbalanced<PositiveImbalanceOf<Self>>; type DataProvider: ElectionDataProvider<AccountId = Self::AccountId, BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber>; type Fallback: InstantElectionProvider<AccountId = Self::AccountId, BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber, DataProvider = Self::DataProvider, MaxWinners = Self::MaxWinners>; type GovernanceFallback: InstantElectionProvider<AccountId = Self::AccountId, BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber, DataProvider = Self::DataProvider, MaxWinners = Self::MaxWinners>; type Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = Self::AccountId>; type ForceOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>; type BenchmarkingConfig: BenchmarkingConfig; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
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Configuration trait of this pallet.

Implement this type for a runtime in order to customize this pallet.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent> + TryInto<Event<Self>>


type Currency: ReservableCurrency<Self::AccountId> + Currency<Self::AccountId>

Currency type.


type EstimateCallFee: EstimateCallFee<Call<Self>, BalanceOf<Self>>

Something that can predict the fee of a call. Used to sensibly distribute rewards.


type UnsignedPhase: Get<Self::BlockNumber>

Duration of the unsigned phase.


type SignedPhase: Get<Self::BlockNumber>

Duration of the signed phase.


type BetterSignedThreshold: Get<Perbill>

The minimum amount of improvement to the solution score that defines a solution as “better” in the Signed phase.


type BetterUnsignedThreshold: Get<Perbill>

The minimum amount of improvement to the solution score that defines a solution as “better” in the Unsigned phase.


type OffchainRepeat: Get<Self::BlockNumber>

The repeat threshold of the offchain worker.

For example, if it is 5, that means that at least 5 blocks will elapse between attempts to submit the worker’s solution.


type MinerTxPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>

The priority of the unsigned transaction submitted in the unsigned-phase


type MinerConfig: MinerConfig<AccountId = Self::AccountId, MaxVotesPerVoter = <Self::DataProvider as ElectionDataProvider>::MaxVotesPerVoter>

Configurations of the embedded miner.

Any external software implementing this can use the unsigned::Miner type provided, which can mine new solutions and trim them accordingly.


type SignedMaxSubmissions: Get<u32>

Maximum number of signed submissions that can be queued.

It is best to avoid adjusting this during an election, as it impacts downstream data structures. In particular, SignedSubmissionIndices<T> is bounded on this value. If you update this value during an election, you must ensure that SignedSubmissionIndices.len() is less than or equal to the new value. Otherwise, attempts to submit new solutions may cause a runtime panic.


type SignedMaxWeight: Get<Weight>

Maximum weight of a signed solution.

If Config::MinerConfig is being implemented to submit signed solutions (outside of this pallet), then MinerConfig::solution_weight is used to compare against this value.


type SignedMaxRefunds: Get<u32>

The maximum amount of unchecked solutions to refund the call fee for.


type SignedRewardBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>

Base reward for a signed solution


type SignedDepositBase: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>

Base deposit for a signed solution.


type SignedDepositByte: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>

Per-byte deposit for a signed solution.


type SignedDepositWeight: Get<BalanceOf<Self>>

Per-weight deposit for a signed solution.


type MaxElectingVoters: Get<SolutionVoterIndexOf<Self::MinerConfig>>

The maximum number of electing voters to put in the snapshot. At the moment, snapshots are only over a single block, but once multi-block elections are introduced they will take place over multiple blocks.


type MaxElectableTargets: Get<SolutionTargetIndexOf<Self::MinerConfig>>

The maximum number of electable targets to put in the snapshot.


type MaxWinners: Get<u32>

The maximum number of winners that can be elected by this ElectionProvider implementation.

Note: This must always be greater or equal to T::DataProvider::desired_targets().


type SlashHandler: OnUnbalanced<NegativeImbalanceOf<Self>>

Handler for the slashed deposits.


type RewardHandler: OnUnbalanced<PositiveImbalanceOf<Self>>

Handler for the rewards.


type DataProvider: ElectionDataProvider<AccountId = Self::AccountId, BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber>

Something that will provide the election data.


type Fallback: InstantElectionProvider<AccountId = Self::AccountId, BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber, DataProvider = Self::DataProvider, MaxWinners = Self::MaxWinners>

Configuration for the fallback.


type GovernanceFallback: InstantElectionProvider<AccountId = Self::AccountId, BlockNumber = Self::BlockNumber, DataProvider = Self::DataProvider, MaxWinners = Self::MaxWinners>

Configuration of the governance-only fallback.

As a side-note, it is recommend for test-nets to use type ElectionProvider = BoundedExecution<_> if the test-net is not expected to have thousands of nominators.


type Solver: NposSolver<AccountId = Self::AccountId>

OCW election solution miner algorithm implementation.


type ForceOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>

Origin that can control this pallet. Note that any action taken by this origin (such) as providing an emergency solution is not checked. Thus, it must be a trusted origin.


type BenchmarkingConfig: BenchmarkingConfig

The configuration of benchmarking.


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

The weight of the pallet.
