Expand description
A prelude for importing all types typically used when interacting with XCM messages.
pub use super::opaque;
pub use super::Ancestor;
pub use super::AncestorThen;
pub use super::AssetId;
pub use super::AssetInstance;
pub use super::BodyId;
pub use super::BodyPart;
pub use super::Error as XcmError;
pub use super::ExecuteXcm;
pub use super::Fungibility;
pub use super::InteriorMultiLocation;
pub use super::Junctions;
pub use super::MultiAsset;
pub use super::MultiAssetFilter;
pub use super::MultiAssets;
pub use super::MultiLocation;
pub use super::NetworkId;
pub use super::OriginKind;
pub use super::Outcome;
pub use super::Parent;
pub use super::ParentThen;
pub use super::Response;
pub use super::Result as XcmResult;
pub use super::SendXcm;
pub use super::WildFungibility;
pub use super::WildFungibility::Fungible as WildFungible;
pub use super::WildFungibility::NonFungible as WildNonFungible;
pub use super::WildMultiAsset;
pub use super::Xcm;
pub use super::junction::Junction::*;
pub use super::order::Order::*;
pub use super::AssetId::*;
pub use super::AssetInstance::*;
pub use super::Fungibility::*;
pub use super::Junctions::*;
pub use super::MultiAssetFilter::*;
pub use super::NetworkId::*;
pub use super::WildMultiAsset::*;
pub use super::Xcm::*;
- A single item in a path to describe the relative location of a consensus system.
- An instruction to be executed on some or all of the assets in holding, used by asset-related XCM messages.