Expand description

The module that hosts all the FRAME types needed to add this pallet to a runtime.


  • pub use __tt_error_token_1 as tt_error_token;
  • pub use __tt_default_parts_7 as tt_default_parts;




  • Configuration trait of this pallet.

Type Definitions

  • Storage for bonded pools.
  • Ever increasing number of all pools created so far.
  • Maximum number of members that can exist in the system. If None, then the count members are not bound on a system wide basis.
  • Maximum number of members that may belong to pool. If None, then the count of members is not bound on a per pool basis.
  • Maximum number of nomination pools that can exist. If None, then an unbounded number of pools can exist.
  • Metadata for the pool.
  • Minimum bond required to create a pool.
  • Minimum amount to bond to join a pool.
  • ModuleDeprecated
    Type alias to Pallet, to be used by construct_runtime.
  • Active members.
  • A reverse lookup from the pool’s account id to its id.
  • Reward pools. This is where there rewards for each pool accumulate. When a members payout is claimed, the balance comes out fo the reward pool. Keyed by the bonded pools account.
  • Groups of unbonding pools. Each group of unbonding pools belongs to a bonded pool, hence the name sub-pools. Keyed by the bonded pools account.